Skyview Construction - A Utility Contractor
At Skyview Construction in Post Falls Idaho, we are utility contractors dedicated to excellence. We are particular about detail as well as minimizing any possible footprint left behind. Our specialty is fiber optic cable trenching and we work throughout the Northwest with municipalities as well as commercial trenching projects. Skyview Construction has high standards and we take pride in a job well done. Below are just a few of our clients and what they had to say about our performance.

Pioneer Telephone Company
March 22, 2021
To Whom It May Concern;
My name is Dallas Filan; I’m employed with Pioneer Telephone Company. I would like to highly recommend Skyview Construction Company out of Post Falls ID for your future construction needs. Pioneer did a fiber build out to the home starting in 2017 in South Western Whitman County with a ten year time frame. Pioneer requested services from Skyview to accomplish this under taking. Not only did we get this accomplished in record time, (just over three years), with the use of Rural Utilities Service (RUS) guidelines. During which time I observed total professionalism and a courtesy work force. Skyview did their House Keeping at the end of each construction day. As of March 22, 2021 Pioneer has not received one complaint from the construction of this Fiber build. Whitman County Road Department Supervisors being totally satisfied with the use along their easements. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Dallas Filan GM
Pioneer Telephone Company

United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument
Between November 2009 and March 2010 a fiber optic trenching project was carried out along State Highway 85 between Why, Arizona and Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument’s Headquarters area. In its entirety this project spanned over 22 miles. The project was carried forward by Skyview Construction of Post Falls, Idaho and was managed and overseen on behalf of Table Top Telephone (TTT) Company of Ajo, Arizona by Mr. John Ross of Canyon Consulting.
I am writing to express our appreciation for the way in which this project was carried forward. Initially the National Park Service (NPS) had concerns regarding the potential for this project to affect park resources. Thankfully however, throughout the project’s implementation all parties maintained good communications and worked in a timely manner to address issues as they developed. Some of the issues that developed were inevitably complex and many required a high degree of collaboration by all parties to resolve that was satisfactorily met each time. TTT strove to understand NPS concerns and worked with the park to avoid, minimize and mitigate project affects on resources. Mr. Ross was often particularly instrumental in finding a way forward and helping to reach consensus. Ultimately the capable of Skyview Construction Company implemented the project and overcame each obstacle in a professional manner.
The NPS appreciates the attention to detail that was prevalent during this project. The appropriate use of staging areas along Highway 85 was essential in minimizing project impacts. The end product is successful fiber optic project that provided a much needed upgrade to communications infrastructure while at the same time having left a minimal project footprint along its path. The NPS appreciates the dedication of all those involved with this project and wished to convey its appreciation for a job well done. Thank you.
Lee Baiza

St. John Telephone Company
The St. John Telephone Company was awarded a USDA RUS loan in 2006 for 100% buried “Fiber to the Home” project in its 283 square mile telephone exchange area. The purpose of this project was to replace aged and outdated copper cable with fiber optic cable to serve our customers with fiber to the home technology.
Skyview Construction was awarded the contract to place over 170 miles of buried fiber optic lines. The terrain in our area is very challenging, ranging from farmed agricultural land to cannedled scabland.
Skyview Construction provided all the equipment and expertise to complete the project on budget and on time. Skyview was very easy to communicate with and complex issues were quickly negotiated. They were very professional in dealing with out company and our customers.
Skyview provided us with a fiber network with will serve our community well into the future.
Gregory W. Morasch
General Manager

This project has gone very well and very fast paced. I didn't think we could make it to Conrad before Thanksgiving but we did. Skyview has done everything that I have wanted them to do. They have paid attention to safety and all the small details that come up and bite you. They are the very best contractor I have worked with. They have equipment to do the job and their equipment is in good working order. They listen to us and also have good suggestions. Their people are well treated and able to work safely and work hard. Simply outstanding team work between Skyview crews and BNSF crew.
Ray Southworth

Centurylink Shoshone to Richfield Project
I have performed a final inspection of your buried cable project and found it to be above satisfactory workmanship. It has been a good experience working with you and your crews.
Thank You,
Jarrett Porter
Idaho Trans. Dept.
Shoshone MTCE. Foreman

Union Pacific Railroad
I want to commend your employees and company's commitment to safety. It is obvious that your companies employees and attitude toward safety shows in their ability to react to a crisis or incident in an efficient manner. This does not happen without your companies commitment to having the proper equipment on site including, radios, safety equipment, first aid equipment , flagging equipment, training, daily safety and job briefings which gives them the ability to utilize the equipment and knowledge in a professional manner.
Although (thank God) this incident did not directly involve one of your employees, your employees willingness and ability to react to this emergency in a safe and effective way shows Skyview Constructions commitment to safety in the work place.
I want to thank you for your companies commitment to working safe, helping others, and helping to resolve an unsafe situation.
Scott Haines
Manager Telecom OPS
Union Pacific Railroad

Union Pacific Railroad
On the morning of May 27, 2014, the Skyview construction crews were working on installing conduit related to the Provo Phase II fiber installation project near MP 674 on the Provo Sub. State Highway 6 runs near the tracks at this location an at approximately 0900, the crews heard and saw a vehicle leave the roadway and overturn several times. Without hesitation, the crew sprung into action contacting EIC Vern Groo via radio and notifying him of the accident. The crew then split up duties having two members go to help with first aid while others went both ways along HWY 6 to direct traffic to avoid further collisions at the scene. This continued until emergency crews arrived and the traffic control continued until sufficient law enforcement responded to the scene. The quick actions of the crew helped to do several important things; First, EMS was notified immediately and a precise location was given for first responders. This was able to happen quickly because of thorough job briefings and emergency response plans discussed by the group daily. Because there was no cell service at the work location and site of the accident, EIC Groo was stationed about 1/4 mile away where he had service to monitor train traffic and to be able to make emergency notifications. Also, good communications through two-way radio were immediate as they had been established in the job briefing. Second, the crew was able to provide first aid to the two occupants of the vehicle including patient shock awareness and treatment of bleeding. The crews were able to do this because of prior training as well as several effective first aid kits that were readily available on crew vehicles. Third, the crews were able to provide safety from exposure to traffic. The area where the accident occurred is between blind corners on a 60 mph two-lane highway. The crews are trained in traffic control and had the proper flags, signs, and radio communications to immediately begin control through the area. It is my understanding that the EMS personnel arrived before Law Enforcement and without our support would have been exposed to dangerous traffic conditions while providing care for the injured victims.
Thank You,
Ben O'Halloran
Western Region Telecom Supervisor
Union Pacific Railroad